Why would you re-brand?

After recently going through a major rebrand I thought I’d share with you why I’ve done it and what I’ve learned along the way.

After two years of running Clare Lucas Real Business Solutions, I found that the brand had lost momentum, and I wasn’t sure where we fitted anymore. The team has grown and it’s no longer me, plus we offer much more than just virtual assistance, we are outsourcing specialists.

Therefore it was time to create a brand that has longevity. A brand that aligns with our values and is also a little representative of me - a bit quirky!

Rebranding can be a challenging task, especially when your business has grown and evolved from its original concept. However, rebranding for me has been an opportunity to refresh our image and better align our brand with our current business offerings and target audience.

Here are some tips that I have learned along the way for rebranding your business when it has grown from one thing to another: 

  1. Understand your current business: Before you begin the rebranding process, take the time to understand your current business and how it has evolved from its original concept. This will help you identify the key elements of your brand that should be retained and the areas that need to be updated.

  2. Identify your target audience: Understanding your target audience is crucial to rebranding. Consider who your current customers are and who you want to attract in the future. Your rebranding efforts should be tailored to appeal to your target audience.

  3. Assess your current brand: Take a critical look at your current branding and assess its effectiveness. Consider how it aligns with your current business offerings and target audience. Identify any areas that need to be updated or changed to better reflect your business.

  4. Define your brand positioning: Your brand positioning is the unique value proposition that sets your business apart from your competitors. This should be a statement that encapsulates the essence of your brand and what sets it apart from others.

  5. Develop a new visual identity: For many (myself included) this is the fun bit! Once you have a clear understanding of your target audience, brand positioning, and what needs to be updated, it's time to develop a new visual identity. This can include a new logo, color scheme, typography, and imagery. This is also a great opportunity to have a new branding photo shoot so you have a selection of images to call upon when you need them.

  6. Communicate the change: My guess is you’re here reading this blog because I have communicated this brand-new website to you! Communicating the change to your customers, partners and stakeholders is crucial to the success of your rebranding efforts. Be transparent about the reasons for the rebranding and the benefits it will bring. Tell your story of how your business has evolved to your audience and ideal clients.

  7. Implement the change: Once you have a new visual identity, it's time to implement the change across all of your marketing materials, website, and social media channels. 

Rebranding can be a daunting task, but it's an important step when your business has grown and evolved from its original concept. By following these tips, you can create a new visual identity that better reflects your current business and resonates with your target audience. With a fresh image and a clear brand positioning, you'll be well-positioned to take your business to the next level just like we have!


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Is it really that important to understand who your ideal clients are?